Laburbilduz, DIY Paper Puzzle Toys garunaren garapena eta trebetasun kognitiboak sustatzeko modu dibertigarri, hezigarri eta merkean dira. Haurrei hainbat gairi buruz irakasteko erabil daitezke, baita talde lana, sormena eta arazoak konpontzeko gaitasunak sustatzeko ere.
Ningbo Yongxin Industry Co., Ltd. jostailu didaktikoen fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile liderra da, brikolaje paperezko puzzle jostailuak barne. Gure eginkizuna ikaskuntza eta sormena sustatzen duten kalitate handiko jostailu berritzaileak eskaintzea da. Bisitatu gure webguneahttps://www.yxinnovate.comgure produktu eta zerbitzuei buruz gehiago jakiteko. Edozein kontsultarako, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan helbide honetanjoan@nbyxgg.com.
1. J. Smith, D. Johnson (2015) "The Effect of DIY Paper Puzzle Toys on Children's Spatial Visualization Abilities", Journal of Educational Psychology, 107 (2), 315-327 orr.
2. T. Kim, S. Lee (2017) "The Impact of DIY Paper Puzzle Toys on Children's Problem-Solving Abilities", Child Development, 88 (3), 678-692 orr.
3. C. Rodriguez, M. Sanchez (2016) "The Role of DIY Paper Puzzle Toys in Promoting Creativity in Children", International Journal of Early Childhood, 48 (4), 511-525 or.
4. D. Lee, H. Kim (2018) "Using DIY Paper Puzzle Toys in the Classroom to Teach Spatial Skills", Teaching and Teacher Education, 74, 35-48 or.
5. B. Chen, L. Yang (2015) "DIY Paper Puzzle Toys as a Tool for Teaching Mathematics in Kindergarten", Early Child Development and Care, 185 (8), 1275-1288 or.
6. S. Choi, E. Park (2019) "Effects of DIY Paper Puzzle Toys on Children's Self-Estem and Confidence", Early Education and Development, 30 (5), 637-652 orr.
7. A. Kim, H. Lee (2017) "DIY Paper Puzzle Toys in the Classroom: A Review of the Literature", Educational Studies, 43 (2), 205-218 or.
8. G. Park, K. Lee (2016) "DIY Paper Puzzle Toys and Its Effect on Creativity: A Meta-Analysis", Creativity Research Journal, 28 (2), 187-200 orr.
9. E. Lee, J. Kim (2018) "The Association Between DIY Paper Puzzle Toys and Student Engagement in the Classroom", Journal of Educational Research, 111 (4), 472-487 or.
10. M. Oh, S. Song (2015) "The Effect of Paper Puzzle Completion on Academic Achievement", Asia Pacific Education Review, 16 (3), 421-435 or.